Hello, world!
My name is Karin and I am here, on this beautiful planet, to truly enjoy life. Life just as it is, with the good and the bad, the ups and downs, expansion and contraction. Life in its totality. My life’s work (and my gift, if you know gene keys) is to learn how to truly trust and enjoy Life. To feel the fear and do it anyway, to live with the unexpected and be open to constant change. Because what is life if not constant growth and change? It is to truly embrace all my nature, both shadow and light, and all of Life, both the pain and the pleasure. It took me a while to learn that, but I am happy to be able to say that I am doing this most of the time. I have learned to love and accept myself as I am, to embrace my imperfections and to let go of the need to be perfect. To let go of the need to control things and people. To just let Life be! It wasn’t easy, and sometimes I do fall into the old patterns, but when I do, I immediately become aware and I choose differently. And, most importantly, I am kind to myself when that happens. I recognize that I am human and I am allowed to make mistakes and that everything is a process.
I have been working with myself almost daily for six years and I can say that my life changed immensely. So much, that I never could have even imagined it. It changed to the extent that the only two constants in my life in this six years were my wedding planning business (which also changed immensely – and got also put on hold for two years!) and the path of self discovery and self development that I am on. The biggest and most beautiful change is the fact that now I am embracing Life as it is and truly enjoy it most of the time (I’m still human, you know? I’m allowed not to be perfect ?).
I feel so happy to see how much I have progressed since I started on this path! I used to see myself as a victim, constantly asking myself “why is this happening to me?”, being frustrated and complaining so much about anything and everything. Now I have evolved to a place where I know that everything that is happening, is happening for me, not to me. That I am the one creating my reality, together with Life / the Universe / the Creator / the Universal Energy / God / Creative Energy / Energy Field / Divine Matrix, however you want to call it. Now whenever something unwanted is happening I am asking myself “how is this helping me?”, “what have I done to create this and what would it take for it to change?”. And the answer always comes. As Steve Jobs said, we can only connect the dots by looking back. So I have learned to trust that however bad it might seem right now, it is helping me, and I will see how in due time.
It took me a while to see all the good in the awful experiences I have gone through, but now I can truly say that I am grateful for all of it, because it helped me become who I am today. And I wouldn’t trade that for anything in the world!
Today I love myself, I admire myself and I see all the strength, resilience and determination I have and have had throughout my life. I am in awe of my courage to go with my intuition and change my life almost entirely. And today I take another step. Today I show the world who I really am. Today I choose to be authentic in every way. Today I choose to allow myself to shine. I am scared of doing it, but I am feeling the fear and doing it anyway! Because whenever I allowed people to see me as I am, it impacted and inspired them in beautiful ways. And seeing myself through their eyes is more than I could have imagined. I know how much it helped me to have amazing people around me, who were a true inspiration, who supported me and thought me what I needed to learn to be able to advance on my path. And now the time has come for me to do the same. So the intention I have is that this blog and my social media pages will be an inspiration for other people who are on the path of self development and self discovery. I want to share my experiences and insights, which I hope will help brighten someone’s day or make them feel that they are not alone. To help them move forward. To help them be happy! If I could do it, so can you! And I am here to help you and to support you, just as I was and as any of us should be.
So how did I get here? I use a combination of methods to do energy work and healing: Theta Healing, Access Consciousness, Access Bars, inner child work and different other techniques I have picked up along the way and combined as I felt was the best way. I meditate and go to transformative events. Tony Robbins’s Unleash the Power Within helped me make some huge shifts in my life, both in my position as a participant and as a crew member. I have attended two deeply changing boot camps in Romania: Self Mastery and People Mastery. And a lot of other transformative events. All of them have helped me get to where I am today, together with the help of my mentors and friends Camelia Miza, Andreea Vasile, Isabela Georgescu, Diana Plesu and many others, to whom I am deeply grateful!
Maybe it sounds easy but it wasn’t. Because when Life wants you on a path, you will get there no matter what. I fought so hard to stay on the path I was on, hanging on it for dear life, unwilling to let it go. But if you’re not willing to let go and move on the right path, Life is taking away everything that you’re not willing to let go of by yourself. So I had to let go to a big part of my company which for me was like a child. I hanged on to it so tightly until there was nothing left to hang on to. And even then I still wouldn’t let it go for a long while… I had to let go of my husband, whom I loved so much and I was sure that he was the man I wanted to spend my life with. But it turned out that he wasn’t my life partner, as much as we both wanted that. He was that person who loved me deeply and also hurt me deeply, so that I could learn so much, but most importantly, so that I could learn how to truly love myself and put myself first. I am so grateful for him and for everything that we have lived together, because I would not be the person I am today without him. And I am also sorry that we both had to go through all that so that we can learn all those lessons (I’m sure he had his).
I had to let go of my life as I knew it, because it wasn’t my path anymore. And the moment I did, my path revealed itself so clearly and easily to me! I just had to follow my intuition and my guidance. The moment I did, everything just fell into place. I remember even now the moment I moved to London, having no idea about how things would turn out for me, but at the same time so excited for what was coming. At any other point in my life, I would have been so scared in the face of such a huge unknown in my life. But not now, it just felt right, even if I had no idea about what’s to come.
This year I took a lot of time for myself and I spent a lot of time by myself. I wasn’t forced by circumstances, but for the first in my life, I truly felt the need to be alone. To discover London alone, to travel alone, to go out alone, to eat alone, to just appreciate and enjoy my company. And I have truly enjoyed all of that and the freedom that came with it. I have learned to attune to my body and respect its needs. To allow myself to work when I am in the flow and rest when I’m in contraction, whenever that is. To do and work on what I’m inspired in the moment, instead of what my mind tells me to do or what I have planed. To truly listen to my intuition and my guidance. And guess what? As unimaginable as it was, my business didn’t fell apart, my clients didn’t disappear, I started creating with such ease and joy and I was more creative than I’ve ever been. And I attracted the most awesome clients possible, who truly loved and appreciated me and my work. I ended a decade of wedding planning in the way I only dreamed of when I started, and with amazing clarity about how I want my business to evolve.
After all this, I am now learning how to truly allow miracles into my life. My life is a series of synchronicities for a long time now, but I still believed I had to work hard to prove my worth and to create what I want. All of this is fading away now as Life is showing me just how easy it can be. That my value is easily perceived from my energy. That all the components for what I need flow easily to me, without me having to do something to attract them. That I only have to connect to my vision and then listen to my intuition and do what I feel like doing every moment. And things magically come together. That easy! Isn’t this amazing? Isn’t this the kind of life you want to live? I know I do! And the more I allow myself to experience this, the more I am in awe of just how easy it can be.
I am so excited to be able to share my journey with you! Thank you for being here and allowing me to share my joy and my experience with you!
Enjoy life! ♥️✨
P.S.: If you’re curious about how much I grew over the last two years*, you can read here how I described myself almost two years ago when I started this blog.
*It’s been way more than that now, I wrote this page in December 2019.